Advancement Requirements
Foam Ball/Red ball Mini-tennis to Orange Ball
Ability to serve 7 out of 10 balls diagonally to add and deuce service boxes.
Ability to volley 13 out of 20 balls consecutively while rallying with Coach Jimmy from a fed ball with predictable pattern.
Ability to hit 15 out of 20 forehands and backhands, cross-court and down the line consecutively. Each stroke is tested separately.
Ability to hit 50 balls consecutively over the net-line, against the wall or against Coach Jimmy.
Ability to hit 30 balls against Coach Jimmy in volley-to-volley format.
Ability to jump rope 150 times in two minutes.
Orange Ball to Green Dot Ball
Ability to serve 7 out of 10 balls diagonally to add and deuce court on orange ball court dimensions.
Ability to volley 13 out of 20 balls consecutively while rallying with Coach Jimmy with unpredictable fed ball.
Ability to hit 15 out of 20 forehands and backhands, cross-court and down the line consecutively on orange ball court dimensions. Each stroke is tested separately.
Ability to hit 100 balls consecutively over the net-line, against the wall or against Coach Jimmy.
Ability to hit 60 balls against Coach Jimmy in volley-to-volley format.
Ability to jump rope 200 times in two minutes.
Green Dot Ball to Regulation Ball
Ability to serve 5 out of 10 balls down the “T” of the service box and wide on the add and deuce courts.
Ability to volley 15 out of 20 balls consecutively both down the line and cross-court while rallying with Coach Jimmy with a predictable fed ball.
Ability to hit 15 out of 20 forehands and backhands, cross-court and down the line consecutively on regulation court dimensions. Each stroke is tested separately.
Ability to hit 200 balls consecutively over the net-line, against the wall or against Coach Jimmy.
Ability to hit 50 forehands and backhands consecutively into a wall target without missing.
Ability to hit 130 balls against Coach Jimmy in volley-to-volley format.
Ability to jump rope 400 times in three minutes.